Netta Loogatha-Rock Cod



Netta Loogatha, born in 1942 is from Blimee, Bentinck Island.

Artist Statement:

Bardathurr is the language name for the rock cod. Dibidibi is the name given to the rock cod who thrashed about cutting out channels, with his fins, he traversed the land thus carving the Wellesley Islands off from one another where once is had been possible to walk between them.”

“This is my Country on Bentinck Island at Oak Tree Point. We call it Lookati in our Kayardild language. I was born here at Bilmee, Dog Story Place.”

“Ngurruwarra means stone fishtrap in our language. We can still see the fishtraps that the old people built along the coasts of Bentinck Island.”

Additional information

Weight 1 kg