Dana Dion

Dana Dion ’s paintings reflect an intense exploration of the world and her subsequent quest for inner expression. The bold physicality of her painterly surfaces is balanced with a sense of love for the process of painting.

Luscious and evocative, Dana Dion abstract works explore the vast rich inner landscape through a language that she has developed over the years. Dana Dion’s artworks are collected far and wide on every continent.

Dana Dion’s paintings reflect an intense exploration of the world and her subsequent quest for inner expression of that experience. The bold physicality of her painterly surfaces is balanced with a sense of tender vulnerability and an obvious love for the process of painting.

Luscious and evocative, the works explore the vast reaches of a rich inner landscape through a language that she has developed over the years.

“I aim to locate a place where I belong. To connect, care, and have a place that is mine. She continues to discover that locus within herself.”
“Art for me is the excitement of creation in a relatively unstructured way. Painting and drawing frees me to express, think, push boundaries, learn, explore… I can let go and there is no need to conform. It is my creation… not what is expected of me from others.”

“I love the Australian bush, sea, vegetation, sounds and smells.”

She and her husband often camp in various spots. While out in the landscape, she photographs and sketches. However Dion is a studio painter, and she spends most of her time painting from memory and feeling in her studio. A dialogue is created between herself and work that is ongoing, active, and always fresh.

“I take experiences out in nature back to my studio and paint large. I use a lot of paint. I make a mess. I am very physical when I work, moving energetically. I allow the movement to initiate rhythms. I capture the energy by painting quickly. Intuition and boldness drive the work. Accidents along the way make for spontaneity and improvisation.”


Dana Dion

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